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Vishal Muralidharan picked as the winner of Sustainability Tank, by means of Audience Vote

Author: codnew

Vishal Muralidharan visited the National University of Singapore (NUS) between August-September, as part of the Second Student Cohort for the Center of Leadership Development in Built Environment Sustainability (

The four weeks were spent sharing his group’s research in addition to learning from the research of the NUS professors, students and post-docs. He also had meetings with scientists from ASTAR labs (

These connections made help to set up future collaborations.

The Singapore Trip culminated in a ‘Sustainability Tank’, akin to the tv show ‘Shark Tank’. This was an 8-minute pitch to a panel and audience, presenting the research being done with the purpose of attracting hypothetical investment.

He is happy to have been picked as the winner of Sustainability Tank, by means of Audience Vote.

This work is supported by the National Science Foundation, Award # 1855902. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.