Iowa UrbanINFEWS Team Presents at ISU Research Day, Spring 2021
Author: codnew
Author: codnew
Jan Thompson (Associate Professor, Natural Resource Ecology and Management at ISU), Baskar Ganapathysubramanian (Professor, Mechanical Engineering at ISU), Wei Chen (Ph.D. Student, Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, ISU), Michael Dorneich (Associate Professor, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at ISU), Phil Gassman, (Associate Scientist, ISU Center for Agricultural and Rural Development), Sedigheh Ghiasi (M.S. Student, Architecture, ISU), Caroline Krejci (Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington), Matt Liebman (Henry A. Wallace Chair for Sustainable Agriculture, Agronomy, ISU), Ajay Nair (Associate Professor, Department of Horticulture, ISU), Ulrike Passe (Director, Center for Building Energy Research & Associate Professor in Architecture, ISU), Kurt Rosentrator (Associate Professor, Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering, ISU), Tanya Sharma (Undergraduate Student, Architecture, ISU), Tiffanie F. Stone (Ph.D. Student, Architecture, ISU), Yiming Wang (Ph.D. Student, Geological and Atmospheric Sciences at ISU) and Yuyu Zhou (Associate Professor, Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, ISU) collaborate to present for ISU Research Day Spring 2021.
Iowa State University’s annual Research Day event took place from March 23-25, 2021. This year’s event was a multi-day, multi-platform virtual program. Taking on the new challenges of a virtual presentation, the Iowa Urban INFEWS Team presented their research on an iPoster, a new virtual format introduced for dynamic online interaction and collaboration.